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The Beauty of Polarity & the Mystical Donut of Life

Writer's picture: PeterPeter

The torus or primary pattern is an energy dynamic that looks like a big donut… a surface with a hole in it….the energy flows in through one side… circulates around the center and exits out the other side… the torus shows the energy flow in a system… this arrangement of the energy flow is probably the most efficient and also a self-sustaining form.. this self-emergent form enables us to keep life energy in a stable structure and to let it flow at the same time… the prerequisite for the formation of a torus is a magnetic field… and it is said to be the first and fundamental form in the matrix of creation… so it makes sense that energy fields of all kinds… both small and large… are line up along this lines…. whether it's at the atomic level…. the cellular level… or the Earth's magnetic field.

We can see it everywhere… in atoms and cells… seeds and flowers…. animals and humans… planets and suns… galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole… we see this universal form of energy flow… in which everything is an essential and equal part of the whole…. it is the fundamental principle of all and nothing… it is the flow of energy and the flow of patterns created and exchanged through that never-ending eternal cycle of life.

The human aura or electromagnetic field of us…. is nothing more than a flow of energy… also takes the form of a torus…. ultimately… this flow of energy enables a self-sustaining life… in that we absorb energy in this cycle of life… absorb it within us … then release it to our outside world in a transformed way…. in this way… a self-sufficient energy system is made possible… and this is the circle of life… inside of every form of life.

The torus is a wonderful from to describe the creation together as a whole and how the cycle of energy is created… sustained and reproduced… helping us to become aware of your own torus energy … to feel and develop it much more clearly and distinctly… the symbol of the torus makes us aware of the beauty of polarity in life…. polarity is not separation…. it is the opposite of it… it leads to Oneness… it helps us to understand …that we do not live in a two dimensional world of duality… where something is either good or evil… black or white… in a world of constant evaluation and thus rejection of one half of life… the torus symbol shows us that life is only possible at all through polarity in our world … that there is a flow of life at all… so we recognize and experience life in all its beautiful contrasts and diverse facets in its original form.

The torus symbol brings us clarity and knowledge…. what the magic in life is all about… the torus creates our field around us … it is the fundamental principle of all and nothing… it is the flow of energy and the flow of patterns created and exchanged through that never-ending eternal cycle of life…. we are not only part of it…. we are the center of it ….it happens inside of us…. it is the miracle which happens within us every single second.

Our heart is the strongest generator of this electrical and magnetic field …our brain creates the electrical field….our heart is about 5000times stronger than our brain... in generating the magnetic field when it gets in oneness with our brain....a thought matches in oneness the feeling ….and our torus is made out of these two fields of energy…. electrical and magnetical fields …if we change the electrical field at the same time as the magnetic field becomes that kind of torus which creates worlds… our electromagnetic field…our signature into the living matrix.

My torus creates my field around my self … it is the fundamental principle of all and nothing… it is the flow of energy and the flow of patterns created and exchanged through that never-ending eternal cycle of life…. I am not only part of it…. I am the center of it ….it happens inside of my self…. it is the miracle which happens within my self every single second.

The animation I found a couple of weeks ago is amazing…it shows that the center of our torus looks like a Holographic Heart… it explains that this point or moment of space and time…. interconnects with every other point of space and time…. the Holographic Heart suggests that we are already there at our destination… not by physical travelling …but by a movement via consciousness…. that´s the real mystical in our life …we have to understand and explore…. to get closer and closer to super consciousness… matching our thoughts about our future with the feelings of our future self ....deeply in our heart in oneness with our brain.... creaing the future in the now.... just by being aware of the mystical donut who we are and enjoying the beauty of polarity in our life.

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