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"The next time you leave the house: look at everyone you meet and think
'I love you’. You don't have to feel it or say it out loud - thinking is enough.
There was this lady in 2019 who promised her self the following:
"The next time I leave the house: I look at everyone I meet and think 'I love you'. I don't have to feel it or say it out loud - thinking is enough. And I will see what happens."
We all know… it is all about to become a loving awareness… loving our self and everybody around us …. Unconditional… looking with the eyes of Love at the world and we will see a World full of Love.
Yeah that´s what it is all about…..easy said….. and of course we are meditating to tune us in ...into this loving awareness ...and out of our judging and drama addicted mind.
But how can we practice and experience it with eyes wide open… during every second of our life?
There was this lady.... she did it…. an extensive field of experimentation opened up to her while doing so. She set off in the morning and felt in love with every one she passed by in the street on her way to work. "I love you", "I love you", "love you, love you" ...... an estimated 70 people came towards her, none of whom looked at her. She loved them all. Suddenly, in the middle of the crowd, there was a big smile - a young man looked at her straight in the face as he passed. He remained the only one. She took the train, took a seat at the door and was heavily occupied with all the "I love you's" on the train, outside the windows, passengers getting on and off. And as it is always said that the universe sends you a sign when you are not quite sure of what you are doing. As if the universe had noticed her doubts, a real confirmation hammer came right after her: Shortly before she had to get off, the young man who had walked past her in the other direction earlier suddenly stood directly in front of her seat, looked at her and said: "Whatever you're doing, don't stop it!" She was completely thrown off her game. "Wonderful" and "magical" are two very weak words to describe the course of the hours that followed. It was simply unbelievable: she worked at a shop and customers stopped at the checkout after paying and at some point saying "I've already got everything, but it's so beautiful with you, I don't even want to leave." Most impressive for her were the reactions of the children. They looked at her with huge eyes and did not want to move away. One father came back with the child on his shoulders and said: "He wanted to see you again. The lady was deeply touched and that day was a revelation for her. It was certain that the love-thinking-giving has a powerful force. Highly potentiated by just two lovers. Since then, she would like to know what would happen if, for just one day, EVERYONE - or even just a hundred or a thousand people - simply loved everyone they met .. even only by thinking the words I Love you So beautiful loving geniuses… I would love to invite you to this loving experiment … becoming more and more…. joyous spontaneous lovers of life and the vibrations of love... please join in and share your experiences while doing so.
And see what happens."
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July 30, 2023
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